When the sensational star Kareena Kapoor made her debut on Instagram, one more update we got that Suhana Khan’s private Instagram account has turned out public now. The daughter of Shahrukh Khan is studying acting at New York University and from her Instagram account she has already made a 200k-plus followers list and that is surprising without having done any Bollywood project. This 19-year-old star kid has many celebrity names like Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Karan Johar included her parents Shahrukh Khan and Gauri Khan.
Suhana Khan finds it sometimes annoying when she gets too much of limelight that is sometimes bothers a lot at such a young age. She feels that people are so criticizing and without even knowing her they keep on making judgments on her. She also revealed in one of her interviews that her Instagram pictures also got leaked. The only way to tackle such situations is that she keeps on telling herself that if they want to hate you they will do it, so it’s better to not get bothered from them. Such hatred sometimes upsets her but she just keeps rolling and comes back to focus on her.
To save herself from such trolling she kept her comments disabled but that doesn’t affect her fans a lot and they keep on getting peek into some unseen pictures of her life. She posts pictures like where she is enjoying holidays or some snapshots from her school. She has posted some interesting short films as well that has shot by her friend. Shahrukh Khan’s, Suhana Khan believes that there is so much to learn and nothing is better than starting learning through real working but she is focussing on finishing off her studies first.
Suhana Khan’s Instagram Has Many #Candidpictures And #Travelgrams
While taking a look at Suhana Khan’s Instagram pictures and it will seemingly look like any teenager’s social media account. Pictures filled with travel moods and fun with friends. She has also seen celebrating Diwali in one of her posts in which she is looking exquisite in ethnic wear in mesmerizing setup.
In her posts, you will see snaps of her travelling trips and candid pictures with her family. There are a few posts in which she is posing with her brothers and that is one of the most charming pictures of her Instagram account. She posts pictures in which you might not see her but her family and that shows she is indeed a family person.
She has some beautiful worth inspiring fashion sense that can be observed in Suhana’s Instagram account. Chilling with friends or getting captured with her mom, this star kid manages to pull off her versatile fashion sense in her Instagram updates. It looks like she looks fabulous in both western and traditional wear.
Roll-Down To Find Some Exclusive Posts From Suhana Khan’s Instagram Account
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