Famously known as ‘Jassi’ from the TV show Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin tied the knot with her long-time beau and investment banker Shyam Rajgopalan in a private affair on Friday, 27th December 2019. Needless to say, she was looking extremely gorgeous in a beautiful red lehenga designed perfectly by Kalki Fashion. Her happiness and excitement fetched our major attention and we are equally happy for the beautiful couple!
Mona Singh and her husband Shyam Rajgopalan were together for a long time and finally tied the knot in Mumbai last week. Mona Singh became quite popular ever since she performed an interesting character of an average looking girl in the TV show named Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin which was aired in the year 2003 on Sony Entertainment Television. After completing sixteen years in the industry and playing beautiful characters in several TV shows, she has finally married the love of her life recently in a low key affair on Friday.
After becoming popular as Jassi, Mona Singh gained more popularity by winning a dance reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa. Playing many engrossing roles in famous TV shows, she made her Bollywood debut in the year 2009 with Rajkumar Hirani’s movie 3 Idiots! Her wedding was filled with fun, laughter, and happiness and was attended by her close friends, co-stars, and relatives.
Mona Singh wore a beautifully crafted and custom-built red lehenga by Kalki Fashion at her wedding. Her beautiful lehenga and exceptionally stunning bridal jewellery became the major spotlight of the wedding. The rich hue of scarlet and intricate all red embroidery detailing added an extra charm to the already beautiful lehenga. Mona Singh looked all things gorgeous and royal at her wedding.
Insights From The Wedding Of Mona Singh And Shyam Rajgopalan!
Check out these beautiful pictures from the wedding of our very own ‘Jassi’ and her beau Shyam Rajgopalan! Scroll & Explore!
Aren’t they both looking perfect together? We are crushing over these beautiful wedding pictures of actress Mona Singh and her beau Shyam Rajgopalan. It goes without saying that the charming smile of this stunning bride is grabbing all the major attention. Share your views about this blog in the comment section below. Have a fabulous day!
Feature Image Via: Get Wed Photography
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