Shilpa Shetty Kundra, the Bollywood actress, and her husband got lucky with the born of their daughter Samisha Shetty Kundra on February 15, 2020. Shilpa Shetty was too excited to announce the news of joy with all of her fans and she announced it on Instagram. Since then the actress created the belief that the birth date of her surrogated daughter i.e. 15, is lucky for her. Right after two months later, Shilpa Shetty Kundra made a surprise video with her daughter Samisha Shetty Kundra in which she revealed that 15 is her lucky number as she got blessed with her daughter on the same date and also got 15 million followers on the same date.
She also wrote a caption stating,” Some things in life are a little more special than the others. The number ‘15’ has been added to that list now! Our daughter, Samisha Shetty Kundra🧿, came into our lives on 15th Feb and she turns two months old today on 15th April. It’s also a very special and happy coincidence that we have become a family of 15 MILLION on @indiatiktok today, on the 15th of April.” Shilpa Shetty Kundra has achieved her 1st million followers on Tik Tok in very little time and now she achieved 15 million followers. The actress is famous for her mostly funny video in which she also includes her husband Raj Kundra and her sister Shamita Shetty quite frequently.
Shilpa Shetty Kundra is quite popular for her fitness regimes through which she inspires her fans. She is also quite active on her Instagram posts where she posts updates about her life and very interesting and tempting Sunday-binge videos as well.
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