People connect perceptions to the colors and that is how they see the things around them. The color blue is the color that symbolizes the color of nature along with green and white. You go to alps or go to a beachy location, the hues of blues will leave all your stress behind and create a mesmerizing world for you. Blue is the color of waters of the sea, blue is the color of skies that transcends nature into a glimpse of heaven. Blue is the color of the sky when the sun is shining bright or when the moon is articulating its beauty in the sky with innumerable stars. Blue is the color of the morning of winters, blue is the color of many cheerful birds that exhibit prosperity and liveliness in the humankind.

“Blue is the ocean, the rivers, and streams,”
“Blue is the “splish splash” of water, which in the sunlight will gleam,”
“Blue is the flavorful taste of a seafood cuisine,”
“Lobster, shrimp, and crab found beneath the deep blue sea,”
“Blue is the aroma, of blueberry pie,”
“Blue is the immense, infinite sky,”
Blue is the feeling you get when you’re down”,
“Blue is the sadness that engulfs you and forces you to frown”,
“Blue is the emotion of misery and pain”,
“Blue is the dark dreary day, in which it will rain”,
Blue was a sensation of music, burning fiery hot,
Blue was the blues, the wonderful noise,
That flowed from the soul, and out through the voice,
Out through the saxophone, piano, trumpet and bass,
Blues shook the hearts of every human race,
Blues was a way to channel depression and shame,
Without blue, the world would never be the same, –
By E.A. Costa
Blue- The Color Of Emotions, The Color Of Authenticity

From the three primary colors of pigments, blue is the one from them, as per the traditional theory and the RGB color model. In paintings, blue is one of the colors that work as the dominating color for many other substitute colors. We see color blue under the visible light that lies between violet and green. Blue is the color of planet Earth, that could be one of the reasons that we feel so connected with this color knowingly or unknowingly.

From ancient times blue has been the eminent color from the various one for art and decoration. Right from the early times, the blue color stone has been one of the semi-precious color stones for jewellery. Even now many jewellery designers make their jewellery designs more vibrant and dazzling with blue color stones.

Blue is the color that goes with everything and suits almost all sorts of occasions. Blue is the color that creates a soothing vibe to all sorts of situations. People love to wear blue on all sorts of occasions from an ethnic event to a formal one, if this is blue then it’s right. The color blue in the menswear is one of the most dominating colors other than black and white. From formals to ethnic wear to Blue is the color that is when contrasted with any other solid color amplifies its beauty even more.

Besides red and pink, these are the new age women who love to wear the Blues too on different sorts of events. They love to gives this twist of blue in their makeup or in every way possible. Even at weddings, blues has become the most trendy color among all the regular colors meant for decoration.
Blue is the color that stands for trust, peace, and loyalty and that is the reason that a survey claims that color blue is the most used color in the most famous websites available online like Facebook and PayPal. According to color psychology, blue is the color that creates a vibe of connection and equinity that people opt for this color. Even if you visit a place that has lots of blue in its interior then you would certainly feel positivity in yourself.
Phrases Related To Color Blue

Out of the blue: without warning; unexpectedly.
True blue: Extremely Loyal, faithful
Once in a blue moon: an event that occurs rarely.
Blue ribbon: to describe something as being of the highest quality
Blue blood: an aristocrat
Blue law: prohibitory laws
Blue comedy: jokes about topical social subjects
Blueprint: detailed design of an object or idea
Blue plate special: a set meal provided at a reduced price.
Bluestocking: a woman with strong intellectual
Blue pencil: limiting the shared information
Feeling blue: being depressed or unhappy
A bolt from the blue: a sudden and unexpected event.
Blue-color: relating to workers, particularly in industry
Blue in the face: extremely angry, frustrated, annoyed
Men/boys in blue: Police officers, or the police force in general.
Talk a blue streak: speak continuously and at great length.
We all love colours, some like red some love green and some love the color Blue. As we share a different bond from different people we have in our surroundings, in the same way with different colors we share a different bond. We would love to know what sort of connections you possess with the color Blue and if there is any story that you have with the color blue we would love to hear that from you.
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